Windows 7 Vs Snow Leopard : Testing on MacBook Pro

Written By Unknown on Thursday, October 29, 2009 | 1:28 AM

64-bit version of Windows 7 and Snow Leopard MacBook Pro around 2008 produced the first comparative performance is good, To be sure there is a significant provision to obtain a first machine that runs on Apple's drivers, Apple's application testing in general, and the standard system for 2 different versions of QuickTime. However, still found some indications in which two heavyweight operating systems relative to one another.

In the test had been done, Snow Leopard looks up consistently in testing the fastest time-based, with the booting process with greater speed, toughness in the frame rate to produce a better in game play and a significant advantage in the Cinebench rendering.

Battery appears to be clearly better under Snow Leopard, And they even still in existence hardware optimized for OS X. In the picture above the bar graph shown the complete testing procedure, With so hopefully will be able to give an exact picture before deciding to apply to the 2 operating systems on hardware devices you have.

By thePinkFighter


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