A cat named Oscar, has an amazing ability, which is estimated deaths in nursing home patients. His ability has been tested, with 50 recorded cases of the prediction. Oscar, who lives in a nursing home Steere and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island, United States, huddled together at the end of the patient died.
A Geriatric specialist Dr. David Dosa, who is also an assistant professor at Brown University said, was five years Oscar was always right in predicting death. Such as the Daily Telegraph reported on Friday (5/2/2010).
Even he had often proved that the medical staff made a mistake in predicting the age of the patients.
White striped tabby, now aged five years and no friends, rarely spent time with patients, except for dying patients.
Dr Sin and several other staff are very confident with the accuracy given an Oscar. Once the cat is near one of the patients, they immediately inform the relatives of patients. Concrete signs of the patient will meet with the angels of death is if the cat climbed onto the bed and lay down beside the patient.
In the recent book entitled, "Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an ordinary cat ', by Dr Sin, do not give a scientific explanation about Oscar's behavior.
The relatives of the patients also feel disturbed, even just to feel comfortable with the presence of an Oscar. "They always praise the cat in the newspapers and also on the release of bodies to the grave," said Dr Sin.
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