Spyware is a program created with the purpose to spy (spy). Spyware is not a common threat, but can be very dangerous, spyware threats privacy and can reduce the performance of network system.
Spyware has existed since 1994. At that time, famous SPYWARE is Gator. Spyware is still exist till today. at the beginning spyware is aimed to the advertising business. But now everything has changed, spyrware used for destructive purposes.
Spyware Categories
1. Trojan / backdoor
2. Adware
3. Keylogger
4. DDoS agent (zombie)
5. Sniffers, password crackers
6. Browser Helper Object
7. Eg Kazaa P2P.
8. RAT - Remote Access Tool / Trojan.
If we see there is overlapping with anti-virus solution that is in the trojan. Anti-virus solutions are generally able to detect the presence of Trojan in our system. But for other categories such as adware, P2P, hacker tools, anti-virus generally does not include this category in their detection.
Then why tools such as sniffer classified into spyware? There's a reason behind it. As we know that the sniffer tools can have two sides that is a good side or useful for administrators.
Sniffer can be used by administrators to do 'tracing' or analysis packages on their networks. Network Load utility to determine the bandwidth is also using sniffer technology. Tool IDS - Intrusion Detection System based network is also using sniffer technology to detect an intrusion on one network.
But on the other hand sniffer can be used for bad purposes, as example for sniffing user-id and password used on a network. in addition there is a category of spyware happy to install that is P2P - Point to Point software, such as for example is Kazaa - P2P for file sharing is very popular. In the Kazaa there is a lot of adware - ads software - because that's where they make a profit. This category is included in the 'user awareness installation' means a user who does trigger the installation itself, not via embedd.
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