Sanur beach located in Countryside Sanur, Subdistrict of Denpasar in South Arch of Town Denpasar. this beach located in eastside and side South arch of countryside Sanur, representing edge of Indonesia Ocean side south of Bali Island.
This Place famous since long time, especially when happened the war of Puputan Badung at 20 September 1906 whereabout Dutch arrived in there. In Ancient of Bali history, sanur is very famous, and still a lot of slate monument representing King inscription Roughen the Warmadewa in Singhadwala in 917, where now there are Blanjong, Part Of south Coastal of Sanur. Among Tourism, Sanur beach first time introduced by Belgia painter, called A.J. Le Mayeur and his Wife, Ni Polok which remain to there since year 1937 and perform the painting exhibition with his own masterpiece
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