computer network security researchers found, the virus Conficker has successfully infected approximately 7 million computers worldwide in just over one year.
Quoted by Computer World, Saturday (31/10/2009), researchers from the Shadow Server Foundation says it has managed to track down millions of computers around the world IP infected Conficker.
Tracking is successfully done by first tracking algorithm used by the virus and then they buried 'sinkhole' servers into the Internet domain name that visited the program. Conficker deemed to have been sent instructions to the various ways that the creators still can control the PCs there. But thanks to the help of 'sinkhole', the researchers could track down the infected machine.
"Although most computer users already know the virus Conficker but along with it also the virus continues to infect. Seven million computers in one year is quite rapid infection of this century," said co-founder Andre Shadowserver Foundation DiMino.
Conficker was first discovered in 2008 and immediately got the attention of Internet users, network security experts, and even the mass media. This worm has spread everywhere, especially to China and Brazil. Even software developers have created a dedicated agency to deal with this virus, with the name Conficker Working Group (CWG).
CWG found, Conficker more often use computers with Microsoft Windows systems as a vehicle. Once infected, users will not be able to download the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, the software is expected to treat the infection Conficker.
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