Used to display the file path or directory
TRUENAME filename --
There's an easier way to view disk partition information. If usually we have to go first to FDISK and then choose option 4. So with FDISK / STATUS we can immediately saw the partition information. This command can at least shorten the steps of our work and reduce the risk of errors in FDISK. Note: This command will not work with DOS 3.30.
The above command will write the master boot record on the hard disk without changing the partition table information. For the record, the writing on the master boot record (in this case) may cause some problems on some dual-boot programs. For those of you who have installed Linux and Windows on one hard disk and put LILO on the master boot record, you can remove LILO by the order. You can also remove viruses which attack the boot sector, by way of booting from a clean disk and FDISK / MBR.
SHELL = C: \ COMMAND.COM / P / F in (config.sys)
The above command runs "Fail" on the option "Abort, Retry, Fail" (More "Abort, Retry, Fail" appears usually when there is "trouble" at the time is at a DOS prompt).
Display information about the DOS version is more complete
Format secret parameters
Determining the size of the cluster: format Drive: / z: ClusterSize * 2
Do not store information for unformat: format Drive: / u
Format d: / z: 8 will produce 4 kB cluster size Example:
Format d: / z: 32 will produce 16 kB cluster size
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