Ngaben isi ceremony of hallowing atma ( Spirit) the first phase of holy obligation Bali people to its ancestor by conducting procession of corpse combustion. According to bali people when human being die the dead just harsh body, his atma (spirit) is not diet. So the ngaben is process of hallowing atma at moment the soul leave the harsh body.
There are some opinion about origin of word ngaben. There is telling ngaben from word of beya that meaning is] stock, there is also telling from word ngabu ( becoming ash). famously ngaben come from word ngapen ( word “ fire”+ prefik “ ng + sufik “ an = ngapian->ngapen->ngaben). In Hindu believed that Deity Brahma beside as creator deity is fire deity. so ngaben is a process of soul hallowing by using fire as medium so that can return to the creator, that is Brahma. Fire used is real fire to burn the corpse, and abstraction fire in the form of supertitous formula of priest for mem-pralina that is burn the coherent dirtiness at atma / soul.
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