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84% Researchers in China are afraid of Google's departure

Written By Unknown on Sunday, February 28, 2010 | 8:14 AM

A number of researchers in China worried about the threat of Google that will stop operating in their country. They assess if Google would leave a negative impact on the world of research in China.

In a survey conducted by the Nature news, 84 percent stated that, without access to Google a number of the research process will be disturbed and a little better overall. Thus was launched Wired, Friday (26/2/2010).

Researchers both in the social sphere and science often refer to Google to find relevant information materials studied.
8:14 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Micron and Nanya Tech Develop 2GB DDR 42Nm

Micron and Nanya Technology are working together to develop DDR3 memory device 2 Gigabit (Gb) using process technology DRAM 42 nanometer based on copper.

DDR3 is the main memory technology is used in applications of high-performance computing, including computer servers, notebooks, and desktops. Geometry moves towards smaller process is very important to maintain the efficiency of production costs and provide benefits to customers, including power consumption is lower, the better performance, higher density, and printed a smaller memory.

Power 42nm process make 1.35-volt to standard power more widely used than the 1.5-volt memory from the previous generation. Reducing power consumption is very important today for the server environment, because the cost of power and cooling infrastructure comparable to the cost of their own server equipment. With the increasing demand on the server memory, the memory power consumption is estimated to achieve up to 21-watts per module. 1.35-volt power can provide up to 30 percent savings in these applications, thus reducing both the power and cooling requirements.

Quality faster memory is important to obtain maximum system performance. With shrinking process technology, the new device DDR3 new 2Gb 42nm memory able to perform better achieve up to 1866 megabits per second. In addition, the small print with the memory from 2Gb density DDR3 42nm devices can produce up to capacity 16GB module.

42nm DRAM process technology uses copper metalisasi technology more efficient and reliable, making Micron and Nanya remains at the forefront of process technology improvements. Micron has long known the benefits of copper in helping to increase DRAM, and has continued to utilize and improve the technology for nearly a decade.

When compared with other copper techniques, such as aluminum, copper is known as a better approach can be expanded, reliable and more cost effective for enhancing and improving the geometry of the product performance. When Micron and Nanya continue to improve its technology, moving towards the next 3Xnm process technology, both companies rely on the foundation of their strong copper to deliver quality products and high reliable .

7:31 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Weakness in the Windows product

Written By Unknown on Thursday, February 25, 2010 | 5:16 AM

Researchers and computer experts in the United States claims to find weaknesses in any version of Windows software. Only with a code that is created, Microsoft's operating system will collapse.

"A fairly simple code that can damage the Windows operating system, starting from Windows 2000 or above it," says director of technology at the company 2X Software Paul Gafa, as quoted by V3, Thursday (25/2/2010).

Gafa says, in the Windows OS network itself can be paved with a denial of service (DoS). attack with this simple code that can be made to the operating systems of Windows, especially to the old operating system version.

"These findings should be a concern of all parties. Even tens of millions of computers in the world is a potential target to destroy. The weakness in this operating system allows DoS attack your computer and control the remote computer. Imagine when the hackers can switch and turned on your computer every time, "Gafa said.

Because of these findings, Gafa hope Microsoft can make the patch as soon as possible to the operating systems in question. According Gafa, there are weaknesses in some operating systems, like Windows 2000, Windows XP (and embedded), Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2.

Still according to V3, Microsoft is rumored to have been aware of this and would investigate further to ensure that these weaknesses.

5:16 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Data Recovery

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 | 6:04 AM

Here are some Tools for Data Recovery that may help you restore your lost files or restore your disk if you have bad sectors.

1. Recuva
Recuva is a tool that a user-friendly Windows-based.
When you run Recuva, you can find the missing file with a file-recovery menu wizard or the application's manual mode. File-recovery wizard is useful if you believe your data is gone but you're not quite sure of where the loss or how to get it back. Wizard can be used to narrow your search for the type of images, music, documents, video, or all files, and you can set the search location on your computer such as removable media, My Documents, Recycle Bin, or a specific location. Can be used for Windows operating system.

Download Recuva here

2. Undelete Plus (
Undelete Plus is a software that is used for commercial purposes. This file recovery tool works on all versions of Windows and the incarnation of the FAT and NTFS file systems. As Recuva, Undelete Plus offers the possibility to find the recovery files on a damaged file. You can sort files by type, set filters based on the time and size and can result in the folder structure remains intact when you're finished doing the file recovery. Can be used for the Windows operating system.

3. TestDisk
TestDisk is a powerful tool to recover your data. Not only do TestDisk recovery as deleting files accidentally from FAT, NTFS, ext2 and file systems, but have other additional functionality.
With TestDisk you can recover your boot sector, rebuild your boot sector, fix the FAT table, improve your MFT, find ext2/ext3 superblock backups, find lost partitions with many formats that can help you find the missing data.
Can be used for operating system Windows / Mac / Linux.

Download TestDisk For Windows Here
Download TestDisk For Mac Here

6:04 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Free Games

Here is a games collection full version can be obtained free of charge and can be downloaded :

1. Allegiance
2. America’s Army
3. Anarchy Online
4. Armada Online
5. Assault Cube
6. Bang Howdy
7. BloodLust Multiplayer Online Vampire RPG
9. BZFlag
10. CodeRED: Alien Arena
11. Conquer Online
12. Corum
13. Cube 2
14. Cube
15. Daimonin
16. Dark Space
17. Darkeden
18. Darsana
19. D-Day Normandy
20. Deicide
21. Digital Paint: Paintball 2
22. Dungeon Runners
23. Entropia Universe
24. Eternal Wraith
25. F.E.A.R. Combat
26. Faldon
27. Fishing Champ
28. Flyff: Fly For Fun
29. Freeciv
30. FreeStyle Street Basketball
31. Frets on Fire
32. Gekkeiju Online
33. Glest
34. Global MU Online
35. Golf?
36. Graal Online
37. Grand Theft Auto 2
38. Grand Theft Auto
39. Gunbound
40. Gunror
41. Gunz The Duel
42. HaloZero
43. Hero Online
44. KAL Online
45. Knight Online World
46. Kuma\War
47. Last Chaos
48. Lunia
49. Maple Story
50. Marathon Trilogy
51. Martial Heroes
52. Mixmaster
53. Myth War Online
54. N
55. Neverball
56. Nexuiz
57. Orbiter Space Flight Simulator
58. Parsec47
59. Pirate King
60. Plasma Pong
61. Purge
62. Puzzle Pirates
63. Racing Pitch
64. Rappelz
65. Risk Your Life 2
66. rRootage
67. Rumble Box
68. Rumble Fighter
69. Savage
70. Scions of Fate
71. Scorched 3d
72. Secrets of Mirage
73. Shadow Armada
74. Shadowbane
75. Shattered Galaxy
76. Silkroad
77. Space Combat
78. Space Cowboy Online
79. Starsiege: Tribes
80. Steel Panthers
81. Strange Attractors
82. Tantra
83. Thang Online
84. The Battle for Wesnoth
85. The Dinohunters
86. The Elder Scrolls: Arena
87. The New Satan Sam
88. Tickster
89. Tobolo
90. Torus Trooper
91. TrackMania
92. Transfusion
93. Tremulous
94. Tumiki Fighters
95. Turf Battles
96. Urban Terror
97. War Rock
98. Wild Metal
99. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
100. Xiah

5:06 AM | 0 comments | Read More

How to Clean Virut Virus

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 | 6:13 AM

Virut virus is most dangerous virus than Conficker. Although spreading not fast as Conficker, but the virus is included in the level of very dangerous, even today there are no tools that can detect and eradicate the virus completely.

The following are virut virus characteristics, according Virut

1. Disable Windows File Protection
2. Spread through the web pages -based HTML , ASP and PHP
3. Infection host Windows file, and remote control to the IRC server, if the computer connected to the Internet
4. Making computers a source of virus updates and spam to spread a particular address
5. Making computers into spam servers by using the public IP

How to clean the virus:

1. Disable System Restore (XP / ME)

2. Download Norman Malware Cleaner at ( e_Cleaner.exe)
to remove the virus from a clean computer, then save the file with the extension. com or cmd, or compress into the zip, then run.

3. After the cleaning process complete, restart your computer.

4. Remove string registry that was created by virus. To make it easier, use the following registry script.

Provider=Artikel tentang Komputer | ErhaesCom

HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Adva nced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, CheckedValue, 0×00010001, 1
HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Paramete rs\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile, EnableFirewall, 0×00010001, 1

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, reader_s
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, servises
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Expl orer\Run
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows, load
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows, run
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, reader_s
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, servises
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, 22951
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Regedit32
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Expl orer\Run
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Adva nced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDORSYS
HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Paramete rs\FirewallPolicy\StandarProfile\AuthorizedApplications \List, \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall

5. Use the notepad, then save with the name "repair.inf" (use option Save As Type to All Files for avoid mistakes).

6. To anticipate if network drive is not connected, replace network drive file "ndis.sys" (size 179 kb) and "TCPIP.SYS" (size 351 kb) from uninfected computer. Usually the file is located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver and C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache

7. Return the hosts file which already infected with replace the file "hosts" (size 1 kb) from uninfected computer. Usually located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver\etc.

8. Use antivirus which was updated and can detect and eradicate this virus very well.

6:13 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Improving File .Exe damaged by Virus

Follow This Steps:
A. Check Settings File Types list:

1. Open Windows Explorer ---> [Tool Option]

2. Select Tab [File Types] ---> New

3. In the File box fill exstention [EXE]

4. Click tab [Advance]

5. Select [Application], and click [OK]

B. Update registry [download]
This way done if the first way does not work, at this step will be reform that the registry changes by virus.
or you can simply create your own File, copy the following files into the notepad then Save as the file name [fix.reg] adjust to your windows.

Windows XP

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"






@="\"%1\" %*"


@="\"%1\" %*"






[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ShimLayer Property Page]

or Download Here

Windows Vista

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

or Download Here

copy scrift into notepad and then save with name as u like, change the file extension become ".bat" and select save as type "all files"

5:33 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Known Spyware

Spyware is a program created with the purpose to spy (spy). Spyware is not a common threat, but can be very dangerous, spyware threats privacy and can reduce the performance of network system.

Spyware has existed since 1994. At that time, famous SPYWARE is Gator. Spyware is still exist till today. at the beginning spyware is aimed to the advertising business. But now everything has changed, spyrware used for destructive purposes.

Spyware Categories

1. Trojan / backdoor
2. Adware
3. Keylogger
4. DDoS agent (zombie)
5. Sniffers, password crackers
6. Browser Helper Object
7. Eg Kazaa P2P.
8. RAT - Remote Access Tool / Trojan.

If we see there is overlapping with anti-virus solution that is in the trojan. Anti-virus solutions are generally able to detect the presence of Trojan in our system. But for other categories such as adware, P2P, hacker tools, anti-virus generally does not include this category in their detection.

Then why tools such as sniffer classified into spyware? There's a reason behind it. As we know that the sniffer tools can have two sides that is a good side or useful for administrators.

Sniffer can be used by administrators to do 'tracing' or analysis packages on their networks. Network Load utility to determine the bandwidth is also using sniffer technology. Tool IDS - Intrusion Detection System based network is also using sniffer technology to detect an intrusion on one network.

But on the other hand sniffer can be used for bad purposes, as example for sniffing user-id and password used on a network. in addition there is a category of spyware happy to install that is P2P - Point to Point software, such as for example is Kazaa - P2P for file sharing is very popular. In the Kazaa there is a lot of adware - ads software - because that's where they make a profit. This category is included in the 'user awareness installation' means a user who does trigger the installation itself, not via embedd.
4:58 AM | 0 comments | Read More

How to Analyzing a Virus

Written By Unknown on Sunday, February 21, 2010 | 6:41 AM

To do an analysis of a virus usually requires tools that can analyze a virus in detail and quick. Here are some tools you can use to analyze a virus:

1. Analysis Malcode Pack
This tool consists of a variety of applications that can help you analyze a malcode.
Examples like ShellExt, socketTool, fakeDNS, Sheilcode2Exe and so on.

2. Autorun for Windows
This application is used to determine the location of auto-starting of the startup screen in the windows.
This application will show you programs that run during system bootup or login to do.

3. RegMon for Windows
This tool can display any application that is doing the registry access in your system.
All will be displayed in real-time

4. Filemon for Windows
This tool will display the system activity from a file in the operating system in real-time.

5. Multipot (
This application is designed to collect a lot of malicious code found on the Internet.

6. Process Explorer for Windows
This tool to know information about DLLs dal handles currently open process.
This application will show list of processes that were active at that time.

7. Resource Hacker (
Tool that can be used to change the resource on win32 executables and other resource files.

8. Rootkit Unhooker (
Applications for mendateksi rootkits.
Some of the features offered include Ultimate Drivers Detection, Hidden Files Detection and so on.

9. SysAnalyzer (
This tool can analyze malcode automatically run time to monitor what is being done by the system and running processes.

10. PE Identifier (
This application is used to detect the Packers, cryptors.
This tool can mendeteks more than 600 different signatures of the PE file.

11. VB Decompiler Lite (
A program to program Decompiler berextensi EXE, DLL and OCX.

12. EXE MiTec Explorer (
This tool was created as an executable reader.
This application is able to read and displays executable file properties and structure of a file being analyzed.

6:41 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Asus G73JH-X1, The New Laptop Gaming based Core i7

Written By Unknown on Saturday, February 20, 2010 | 5:28 AM

Asus recently launched G73JH-X1 which is based gaming notebook Core i7. This laptop still include line of the Republic of Gamers G73jh notebooks series. Equipped with toughness processor Core i7 720QM, speed-1.6GHz, 8GB of memory DDR3 and ATI Mobility Radeon HD5870 plus 1GB memory of GDDR5 as graphics.

Asus Laptop G73JH-X1 LCD measuring with screen 17.3 inches and 1920 × 1080 resolution with Full HD LED-backlit. This laptop has a 500GB 7200RPM hard drive capacity, and bundled with a DVD SuperMulti burner. You can connect with Bluetooth and WiFi 802.11b/g/n. In addition there are also 8-In-1 card reader, 2 Megapixel webcam, integrated speakers and HDMI output.

This gaming laptop using the 8-cell battery and have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating sistem . You are interested to have this gaming laptop?? then you would have to spend around 1549.99 USD for can make your favorite game engine
5:28 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Opera Threat Safari on iPhone

Opera fulfill his promise to introduce a special browsers running on the iPhone in the event Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona in 2010. Not just showing off, opera claimed that his browser more faster than Safari.

In a demonstration, Opera shows that Opera Mini can support each other with the iPhone. Opera also claims their product is six times faster than Apple's browser, Safari.

"As Soon as Opera browser will be pinning into the iPhone. But we can not decide when we will register it to Apple," said co-Founder of Opera Software Jon von Tetzchner, told from Vnunet, Saturday (20/2/2010).

Added by Von Tetzchner, Opera Mini dare say six times faster than Safari on the iPhone when using the 3G network,
Inappropriate for Opera to be careful in determining when Opera Mini will go on the iPhone.
5:07 AM | 0 comments | Read More

How To Clean Yahoo Messenger Virus

Written By Unknown on Thursday, February 18, 2010 | 7:20 AM

if already infected, then it will automatically create a random file name with the extension. tmp and. exe that will be stored in the directory [C: \ Documents and Settings \% user% \ Local Settings \ Temp] with a different name.

Follow this Way :
1. Disable 'System Restore' during the cleaning process.
2. Disable autorun Windows, so viruses can not be automatically activated when access to the drive / flash disk.

* Click the 'start'
* Click 'run'
* Type 'gpedit.msc' without the quotes. then enter, This will bring up the screen 'Group Policy'
* On the menu 'Computer Configuration and User Configuration', click 'Administrative templates'
* Click the 'System'
* Right click on 'Turn On Autoplay', select 'Properties'. This will bring up the screen 'Tun on propeties Autoplay'
* In the tabulation 'Settings', select 'Enabled'
* In the column 'Tun off Autoplay on "select" All drives "
* Click 'Ok'

3. Turn off the virus, use the tools 'security task manager' and then delete the file [sysmgr.exe, vshost.exe, winservices.exe, *. tmp]

Just a note,. Tmp files that have showed TMP extension [example: 5755.tmp]. Right-click on the file and select 'Remove', then select the option 'Move files to Quarantine'.

4. Repair registry that has been changed by the virus. To speed up the process of removal / how to remove the virus, please copy this script in notepad and save it with the name repair.inf. Execute the following manner: right click at repair.inf and select install.

Signature = "$ Chicago $"
Provider = Vaksincom Oyee

AddReg = UnhookRegKey
DelReg = del


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ batfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 "% *"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ comfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 "% *"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ exefile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 "% *"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ piffile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 "% *"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ regfile \ shell \ open \ command,,, "reg edit.exe"% 1? "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ scrfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 "% *"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon, Shell, 0, "Explorer.exe"
HKCU, SessionInformation, ProgramCount, 0 × 00010001.3
HKCU, AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ BlockedPopup \. Curr ent,,, "C: \ WINDOWS \ media \ Windows XP Pop-ups Blocked.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ EmptyRecycleBin \. C urrent,,, "C: \ Windows \ Media \ Windows XP Recycle.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ Navigating \. Curren t,,, "C: \ Windows \ Media \ Windows XP Start.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ SecurityBand \. Curr ent,,, "C: \ WINDOWS \ media \ Windows XP Information Bar.wav"


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, Microsoft (R) System Manager
HKCU, Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, help bMaxUserPortWindows Service
HKLM, SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ TCPIP \ Parameters, MaxUserPort

5. Delete the following viruses:
C: \ vshost.exe [all drives]

C: \ autorun.inf [all drives]

C: \ RECYCLER \ S-1-5-21-9949614401-9544371273-983011715-7040 \ winservices.exe

C: \ Documents and Settings \% user% \ Local Settings \ Temp

A415.tmp [random]

034.exe [random]

C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ sysmgr.exe

C: \ WINDOWS \ TEMP \ 5755.tmp

C: \ windows \ system32 \ crypts.dll

C: \ windows \ system32 \ msvcrt2.dll

6. For optimal cleaning and prevent reinfection please use the antivirus which can detect and eliminate this virus up to date.

7:20 AM | 0 comments | Read More

MeeGo, The New Nokia Operating System

Nokia has just launched a new mobile operating system hybrid which is also open source named MeeGo. Interestingly, this operating system is not operating system really new but rather a collaboration of the two operating systems is Moblin and Maemo.

Kai Oistamo, vice president of Mobile Phones has just announced that it has combined the performance of Nokia and Intel to work together MeeGo where the two forces operating systems and Maemo Moblin was counsel to one.

MeeGo operating system itself is intended for mobile operating systems, netbooks, tablets and TV which is intended to stop the market fragmentation that has been dominated by Apple and Google. This operating system using the QT framework so that future applications can be used to MeeGo Symbian and Maemo handsets as well.

"MeeGo is open source operating system, Linux project also experimented with Moblin project, led by Intel, and Maemo developed by Nokia. Both were eventually united into a single open source operating system. MeeGo integrate the experience and the ability of two different ecosystems, which combine communications and computing technologies. MeeGo project formed the technical basis to carry the next generation platform and will be used for mobile devices. "As stated on the official site MeeGo.

MeeGo combines the advantages possessed by the Maemo and Mobile for the platform will then be menggeber architecture with multi-processor device. MeeGo will be hosted by the Linux Foundation and managed by using practices best models in the development of open source operating system. MeeGo based devices reportedly the first time will soon be launched in the second quarter of this year 2010.
6:01 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Android Used By 26 Phone Model

Google claims the operating system (OS) mobile output, Android has sold approximately 60 thousand units per day in the world. Android now been used by approximately 26 phone models. Thus expressed CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt on the sidelines Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday (17/2/2010).

"There are 26 mobile phone with 59 operators in 48 countries in 19 languages so far. And this is just the beginning," said Schmidt.

"We now have to ship approximately 60 thousands of Android devices per day and this number doubled in the last quarter ago," said Schmidt.

Schmidt added if the obvious growth of very fast.

"We expect this growth will continue for the future are still long," he said.

In the United States, including the OS Android G1 and adopted by Motorola Droid. G1 marketed by the U.S. operator, T-Mobile. In the U.S., Android sales growth increased 3.5 percent during the year 2009.

5:44 AM | 0 comments | Read More

HTC Hero, The Best Phone in 2009

A prestigious award Instigated by the GSM Association, an association of world operators has chosen Hero as the best phone in 2009. HTC Hero himself before winning this award, must first compete with other nominees such as, Samsung Star, Nokia N97 mini, BlackBerry Bold 9700 and Samsung Omnia HD.

HTC Hero is the second Android phone released by the Taiwanese vendor. One of the benefits of this phone is to use Android operating system version 1.5 or better known as Cupcake.

5:31 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Internet Explorer 9 Will launch on March 2010

Microsoft will soon launch a new generation of Internet Explorer (IE), IE9 next month. According to schedule, IE9 will be introduced at the annual conference Micorosoft MIX 10, which will be held on 15 to March 17, 2010 in Las Vegas. At the conference, which became the focus is IE9 and Microsoft's mobile platforms, the latest generation of Microsoft's Windows Mobile 7.
Microsoft is still reluctant to mention a more detailed specification of IE9. In his blog, Microsoft promised to announce more details when IE9 conference in Las Vegas next month.

Softpedia launched, Wednesday (17/2/2010), as General Manager, Dean Hachamovitch responsible for the development and release of IE. So no wonder, he was appointed as one of the speakers at the MIX10 event, especially for IE9 present.

"Dean will discuss the changes and development that has made Microsoft the PDC IE9 since 2009 some time ago. There will be many surprises at the launch later," wrote one of the team MIX 10 in his blog.

Microsoft for the first time demonstrate IE9 on the PDC 2009, November 2009. At that time, Microsoft is showing the early development of these browsers and announced the main objectives IE9 release.

Dean never mentions, IE9 intended to provide better support for modern web standards, improve performance especially when used for JavaScript, as well as supporting hardware speeds.

At PDC 2009, the developers only shown IE9 demo. At MIX 10 conference later, Microsoft promised a free download IE9, so the browser can immediately taste.

5:09 AM | 0 comments | Read More

ATI Radeon HD 5830 Specifications

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 | 7:16 AM

After the latest release of Radeon HD 5570, Advanced Micro Devices, based in California recently had succeeded to fill the gaps in almost every price segment, with the latest graphics card that supports Microsoft's DirectX 11 API. According to reports on the Internet, one that will fill the gap in the price range of 200 USD (2 million dollars) wore HD 5830 product models.

Keep in mind, the Radeon HD 5830 will provide performance that will be placed between 5850 and 5770 models, because it is based on Cypress LE core. This card is said to have 1280 shaders, 60 texture units and the speed of 750MHz for the GPU. Features with GDDR5 1GB memory, clock at 1000MHz, the difference between 5830 and 5850 models are not so significant in terms of performance. When you put two models side by side, equipped with a 5850 model 1440 features 72 shader units and texture, while the GPU set to 725MHz.

This graphics card will obviously provide support for ATI Eyefinity technology companies, which allows users to pair the three monitors on one card to provide an impressive visual experience. Connectivity options will include regular DVI, HDMI to DisplayPort, it is necessary to Eyefinity setup. It's very possible that the PCB and cooler to be the same as the 5850 HD model, given the small differences between the two graphics cards it.

Regarding the price in the market, this upcoming Radeon dibandrol reported to be around 200 EUR or 2.58 million dollars, or even cheaper than that, like the Radeon HD 5850 which is currently marketed around 250 EUR or 3.23 million dollars. Initial list of cards, according to Fudzilla, shows that the GPU will be available for 215 EUR or 2.78 million dollars, but that will change after getting the first card is authorized. That could happen in March, with cards in circulation is expected later this month.

7:16 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Samsung Wave S8500 "First Bada Ponsel"

This phone will be launched at a global conference MobileWorldCongress for the mobile industry a prestigious world on February 14. DailyMobile been showing the pictures and specifications of this phone. The phone will be marketed as Samsung Wave S8500 and will use the TouchWiz interface version 3.0.


* 3.3 "screen amoled
* 5mpix autofocus, flash
* 720p video
* 2gb internal memory
* MicroSD slot
* WIFI b / g / n
* 1GHz processor
* Bada OS
* Touchwiz 3.0
* 3.5 mm jack
* 1500mAh baterry
* Aluminum body
* Tempered glass
* Divx player
* 10.9mm thick!

To find out more details about the Bada, the new operating system from Samsung, visit

6:32 AM | 0 comments | Read More


Written By Unknown on Saturday, February 13, 2010 | 6:48 AM

These are tips for Backup File / DATA with VB Script
follow these steps:
1. Determine folder will be backed up, we can create a special folder to move all data files / essential data to the folder, for example I specify in the C: \ my data.

2. Make the target folder for these backups, for example D: \ Backup.
Keep backup folder or drive are on a different partition so that if there is damage to one drive / partition then we still have a backup of data on the drive / partition other.

3. Click Start> Run and then type notepad.
4. On the worksheet notepad type command as follows:

Set FSO = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") fso.copyfolder "C: \ my data", "D: \ Backup" done = MsgBox ( "Done", vbOKonly, "Process Data Backup")

The first line is a variable setting, the second line shows the copy folder from source to the target folder. You can switch to another folder for your needs. The third line tells that the backup process has been completed.

5. Then save the program by selecting File> Save as

6. then specify the folder where you save it, or direct you save on Select Desktop.All Files on Save as type. Give your name as you wish files ending with *. vbs, for example Back.vbs.

7. Now try running the program on the desktop Backup.vbs by double clicking. If you find a message "done" that means the backup process has been completed.

6:48 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Tips Disable Copy Paste File

Here are tips fo Disable Copy Paste File :
- Click Start>> Run>> type Regedit and then OK or ENTER.
- Click HKEY_LOCALMACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control
- Right click on the Control select New>> Key and give it the name "StorageDevicePolicies" (without the quotes)

- Right-click on StorageDevicePolicies then select New>> DWORD Value and give name "WriteProtect" (also without the quotes).
- Then double click on the WriteProtect, then change the value data to 1.
- Then Restart your Computer / Laptop.
- Finish

Note : If you want to return to its original state, change the value data to "0".

6:42 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lock Files and Folders With "Easy File Locker"

Each user must have the data / files that may be important not one knew about, let alone any company data or other important data. If we use the computer used by someone else then let the data / important files without protection is extremely risky because others might be able to find and open the data / file and the consequences will be fatal.

In connection with this, we can use applications that can help protect the files or folders that contain these important data. Applications for this purpose is not difficult to find in the Internet applications that are either free (freeware) and are paid. For a thin pockets, do not worry for not getting a pretty good freeware.

And one of freeware that can be utilized for this purpose is Easy File Locker. Easy File Locker is a freeware security that we can use to protect files or folders including subfolders that contain important data ours. With the freeware, a person will not be able to open, read, modify, delete, move, or copy files that we have previously key. Even the files that we have to hide with this freeware will not be seen by others or by using the program / application whatsoever.

- Accesable, with this option, a file / folder will be accessible by others.
- Writable, with this option, a file / folder will still be writable by others.
- Deletable, with this option, a file / folder will still be removed by others.
- Visible, with this option, a file / folder will still be seen by others.

Another advantage, Easy File Locker is able to walk (protect) files / folders computer in Safe Mode. In addition, at least still think his claim develover, freeware sized lightweight enough to ensure no change or even destroy files / folders are protected. We do not need to worry if this will aggravate freeware system.

Download Easy File Locker Here

6:21 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Eliminating User Name from Start Menu

By default, each of us to open the Start menu then we will see the user name that we use to login to appear at the top menu. If you want, we can remove the user name by using the windows facility, gpedit.msc.

The steps are as follows.

First, run gpedit.msc by clicking the [Start] [Run]>> then type "gpedit.msc" (without the quotes) to get a window group policy editor.

Second, click User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Start Menu and Taskbar \

Third, in the right pane, double click on "Remove user name from Start Menu"

Fourth, then will appear the window "Remove user name from Start Menu Properties"

Fifth, select the option "Enabled" and then continue with the "Apply" and or "OK".

Sixth, close the windows group policy editor

Seventh, completed
Now, try to click on the Start menu and make sure the user name it has not appeared again.

6:17 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Tip for Speed Internet Connection

By default, for Internet connection, Windows limit up to 20% of the total bandwidth. With these conditions is still possible to speed up Internet connection by reducing the limit or even empty. Follow these tips one speed internet connection in addition to other tips.

The steps are :

Click Start>> Run>> and type gpedit.msc followed by pressing OK or ENTER key will display a window to a group policy editor.

Then click Computer Configuration>> Administrative Templates>> Network>> QoS Packet Scheduler>> until it looks like below.

Then in the right column double click "Limit Reservable bandwidth" to get a window Properties Limit Reservable bandwidth, such as below:

Then select enabled and the Bandwidth limit (%) content with a minimum value or zero if necessary.
Then press the OK or Apply.
Restart your PC or laptop.

6:08 AM | 0 comments | Read More

How to create a Virtual Memory

We often work while listening to music. Or even while running other applications in order to save time. Running applications simultaneously can cause the computer to "run out" memory. We often find that computers have what is called the "low memory" where the remaining memory capacity is low.

There are ways other emergency we can do that is by way of a Virtual Memory, a technique in which the operating system will allocate part of the contents of hard disks to be added to the computer memory. Allocation of part of the contents of your hard drive is called Paging File.

Here are the steps to create a Virtual Memory :

First, click Start>> Control Panel>> System that will appear the window "System Properties".

Second, click the tab "Advanced" and then on the box "performance", click the settings to get a window "Perfomance Options".

Third, in the window "Perfomance options", select the tab "Advance".

Fourth, then the box "Virtual Memory", click "Change", then will appear the list of disks in our computers, like the screenshot below.

Fifth, then select a drive to the Virtual Memory which we will create. Please choose a different drive with the location of the drive system. Then click on "Custom Size".

Sixth, fill in the Initial size value and the Maximum size in MB. As a guideline, for the Initial size value, 1.5 times the RAM capacity. As for the value of Maximum size, RAM capacity multiplied by 3.

For example, suppose that our RAM capacity is 512 MB, then the value of the Initial size is 756 MB, for maximum size is 1512 MB.

Seventh, make sure there is free space on the hard drive to accommodate the virtual memory that we make it.

Eighth, and then click OK

5:52 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Internet TV, Future Television ?

Written By Unknown on Friday, February 12, 2010 | 11:42 PM

Internet tv is all set to take over the world in the future.Internet enabled television systems are going to give the traditional tv sets a big run for their money and already several consumer electronics giants such as LG , Netflix, Samsung,Toshiba are working rigorously to promote their own internet tvs.

Recently Toshiba introduced its internet enabled tv which apart from being internet equipped it has also got DVD player and widgets enabled in it- with a little help from Yahoo!, Intel and Microsoft. This means you'll be able to stream video from the web, download movies, watch internet TV and even record them as well.

Samsung also unveiled its version of internet tv and Samsung also used its press conference at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to outline its plans for a "seamless digital experience" around the home, announcing a range of devices that could wirelessly communicate with one another to stream music, photos and movies.

With a Strong backing from Yahoo, internet tv has its list of backers growing by the day.Yahoo has developed what it calls the Yahoo Widget Engine, which displays a series of internet options in a scrolling bar across the base of the screen that can be accessed using a standard remote control."The merging of the internet and television will create what we call the cinematic internet," said Patrick Berry, vice president of Connected TV at Yahoo."This will make TV into something bigger and more exciting than ever. It will allow developers to reach a whole new community."This year's CES saw Samsung unveil its version of the internet tv.

But despite the flashy widgets and tv browsers, the real people pleaser is the video on demand feature which massively outweighs all the customizable tv widgets and wallpapers.Video on demand was closely fllowed by searching the home network for video contentAccess user-generated content such as Youtube,play media from a USB drive,share television experience using messaging services,make video conference or voice calls via the TV.

11:42 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Aviary, Online Graphics Editor

Actually Aviary as a web-based graphical editor long enough to exist but previously was a commercial web applications for 25 USD a year. Currently Aviary can only be accessed via the internet / online, but according to their site Aviary will be released Adobe AIR-based products in the next so user can edit when offline.

This graphical editor application created with Adobe Flash technology, so to run it you only need a browser with Flash plugin (which usually already installed). View image editor called the Phoenix is already something like Photoshop, and even has a Filters menu.

In fact it was a lot of graphic works created by Aviary can be viewed at:

Then maybe you've used Photoshop or never use a graphics editor may think and want to learn Aviary is providing a lot of tutorial which can be accessed at:

9:19 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Intel Code Name Tukwila

Intel's new processor to add the burden of the 9300 series which has code-named Tukwila. Intel claimed this processor has doubled the performance of previous generations. Transistor Itanium processor 9300 series produced as many as two billion, is able to meet demand, with the number of core twice from previous generation, eight thread per processor, larger cache, reaching 800 percent bandwidth for interconnection, 500 percent memory for bandwidth, and 700 percent memory capacity by using industry standard components, DDR3.

Intel is committed to rolling the new era of computing vital and we are proud that 80 percent of 100 global companies have chosen Itanium-based servers for those workloads the hardest, "said Kirk Skaugen, Vice President Intel Architecture Group and general manager, Data Center Group, which launched Hardware Zone, Friday (12/1/2010).

"Intel continued to direct the economic principles of Moore's Law for computing vital to the launch of the Itanium processor 9300, and once again increase our performance more than doubled to our customers," he added.

Itanium Processor 9300 series adds toughness level of the architecture world through the new features with the reliability, availability and widespread support in the processor, Intel QuickPath Interconnect and memory subsystem.

8:56 PM | 0 comments | Read More

iSuppli: iPad Production Only USD229

Written By Unknown on Thursday, February 11, 2010 | 9:12 AM

Apple's tablet production, iPad rumored will price over $ 500. This price nearly double the production costs incurred for one unit of Apple. research firm iSuppli found iPad production cost estimates released by Apple. According to iSuppli, Apple's only cost approximately USD229, 35 to produce one unit iPad.

This is just the estimated cost estimates by iSuppli and they call it a 'virtual teardown' because Apple has not marketed this device. Even Apple is still shut up about the company's suppliers 'parts' iPad is to work with.

The device is considered as the iPhone 'giant' will be sold by Apple in the middle of next month because it is still waiting for regulatory approvals related to the use of mobile services in it. Just like the iPhone, iPad also uses the same operating system.

According to iSuppli, the iPad to dibandrol USD499, or iPad with low memory capacity, approximately 16 gigabytes, Apple predicted production cost is only worth USD219, 35 for the materials in it, and an additional $ 10 for the cost of assembly.

While iPad with larger memory capacity has a production cost of approximately USD335, and iPad with 8 gigabytes of memory capacity of production costs spent approximately USD287.

"The most expensive component in the iPad is a touchscreen display measuring 9.7 inches, which is estimated to cost $ 80," said iSuppli parties.

Analysts predict Apple will be shipped as many as 2 million to 5 million in the first year iPad sales.

9:12 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Notebook Asus G517 3D

Another secret behind display 3D images produced by 3D is the G517 notebook, the GPU drivers and 3D panels are able to move up to 120 Hz, so that they can process the image twice within a few seconds. In addition, Nvidia Nvidia GE Force GTX 260M helped to support the stability of 3D images on this laptop.

Here are the specifications of Asus G517 3D

Processor: Intel Core i7-720Qm 1.6 Ghz
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Memory: DDR3 expandable up to 4GB.
Screen: 15.6 HD LED backlight
Price: USD1949, 479
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260M with 1GB DDR3 Video Ram
HDD: up to 500GB that supports Dual SATA
Price: USD1949, 479

8:58 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Linux Mandriva 2010 Alpha 2

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 | 2:56 AM

You prefer to use open source operating system installed on your computer? Now one of the Mandriva linux distributions are entering the development stage which had been scheduled to be released later Mandriva 2010.1 operating system on June 3, 2010.

In this release, Mandriva even provide access to the Guest account, which is also supported by the nouveau driver, and is used by default for NVIDIA-based graphics cards.

"The time has come to release a linux version of Mandriva 2010 Spring. It is now available on DVD ISO 32 and 64 which can be public mirrors. As usual all of your input is really important to help improve the global quality of distribution later. "So it summarized in his official announcement.

Here is the update on Mandriva Linux 2010.1 Alpha 2:

* RC6 Linux kernel 2.6.33;

* X. Org 7.5;

* Xorg Server 1.7.4;

* KDE 4.4 RC3 SC;

* GNOME 2.29.6;

* Mozilla Firefox 3.6;

* 3.2 Beta 3;

* Amarok 2.2.2;

* Deluge 1.2.0;

* Songbird 1.4.3;

* Transmission 1.83;

* Google Chrome Beta 4;

* Nouveau driver;

* Mesa 7.7;

* Intel video drivers 2.10.0;

* NTFS-3G 2010.01.16;

* Glibc 2:11;

* GDB debugger 7.0.1;

* Ruby 1.9.1;

* Munin 1.4;

* SpamAssassin 3.3.0;

* QT 4.6.1;

* KTorrent 4.0 Beta 1;

* Digikam 1.1.0;

* Coffee-plugins 1.1.0.

2:56 AM | 0 comments | Read More

iPhone 3GS Python

Both designers mentioned is Stuart Hughes from Liverpool (England) and David De Nizza from Milan (Italy), which recently have been working together to create a masterpiece of beautiful and super luxury. The results of both the designer creations combination produces a iPhone 3GS Python device.

This luxury 3GS iPhone will be available in hundreds of color choices. And for iPhone Pink Python itself is designed with 24-carat gold wrapped with strands of Swarovski crystal and other versions will be polished with sapphires and diamonds.

According to Stuart Hughes, the back of the iPhone is not protected chasing Python. Both experts had been making handmade masterpiece is written on the chasing original and genuine snakeskin that comes from genuine Python snakeskin deliberately imported directly from Indonesia.

Regarding market value, the device iPhone super-luxury Python proved dibandrol in the price range up to 1695 GBP 6495 GBP

2:41 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Bali Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach is a tourism place which is located in side south Denpasar, center of Bali town, Indonesia. Kuta located in regency Badung

This Area represent a very celebrated destination turis foreign countries. In Kuta there are many place for shoping, restaurant, hotel and bath place and also put to the sun the x'self
Coastal of Kuta often is also conceived by Sunset Beach

2:03 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Bali Sanur Beach

Sanur beach located in Countryside Sanur, Subdistrict of Denpasar in South Arch of Town Denpasar. this beach located in eastside and side South arch of countryside Sanur, representing edge of Indonesia Ocean side south of Bali Island.

This Place famous since long time, especially when happened the war of Puputan Badung at 20 September 1906 whereabout Dutch arrived in there. In Ancient of Bali history, sanur is very famous, and still a lot of slate monument representing King inscription Roughen the Warmadewa in Singhadwala in 917, where now there are Blanjong, Part Of south Coastal of Sanur. Among Tourism, Sanur beach first time introduced by Belgia painter, called A.J. Le Mayeur and his Wife, Ni Polok which remain to there since year 1937 and perform the painting exhibition with his own masterpiece

1:59 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Hari Raya Nyepi

Hari Raya Nyepi celebrated every year in Newly Caka ( commutation of Caka), That is on Tilem Kesanga ( IX) representing holy day of Deity residing in ocean center bringing nucleus ( Tirtha Amertha Kamandalu). For that Hindu people conduct the holy worship to the Deity

Especial target of Hari Raya Nyepi is request the fore part of God, to sanctify the Bhuwana Alit ( experienced of human being) and Glorious Bhuwana ( universe). the Celebration of Hari Raya Nyepi is :

1. Tawur (Pecaruan), Pengrupukan, dan Melasti

One day before Nyepi, at " panglong ping 14 sasih kesanga" Hindu people execute the ceremony of Butha Yadnya in crossroad walke and each house environment, by taking one one of type " Caru" according to its ability. each of Bhuta Yadnya called, Pentameter Sata ( small), Kin Pentameter(Midle), and Glorious Tawur ( big)

Tawur Or pecaruan represent the hallowing / pemarisudha Bhuta Kala, and all ' leteh' ( dirty)
Caru executed at each home consisted of the; rice of manca warna ( five colour) amounting to 9 tanding / packet, chicken brumbun mixed by pageant / toddy. this Bhuta Yadnya is addressed to The Bhuta Raja (King), Bhuta Kala and Bhatara Kala, imploringly they do not disturb people.

2. Nyepi

According to Hindu people, every thing having the character of switchover always preceded with the dark epitomizing. For example a baby to pass into the children ( 1 oton / 6 month;moon), this device is realized by ' matekep guwungan' ( closed by sangkat chicken). Woman changing over from childhood to adult ( Ngeraja Sewala), its ceremony preceded by ngekep ( dipingit

3. Ngembak Geni (Ngembak Api)

The last of Hari Raya Nyepi celebration is Day of Ngembak Geni which fall ping pisan ( 1) sasih kedasa ( X). On This day the new year of Caka started. Hindu people visit the big family and neighbour, each other forgiveness to the another ( ksama),
With the new atmosphere, life will be started with the clean from the sin.

1:56 AM | 0 comments | Read More


Ngaben isi ceremony of hallowing atma ( Spirit) the first phase of holy obligation Bali people to its ancestor by conducting procession of corpse combustion. According to bali people when human being die the dead just harsh body, his atma (spirit) is not diet. So the ngaben is process of hallowing atma at moment the soul leave the harsh body.

There are some opinion about origin of word ngaben. There is telling ngaben from word of beya that meaning is] stock, there is also telling from word ngabu ( becoming ash). famously ngaben come from word ngapen ( word “ fire”+ prefik “ ng + sufik “ an = ngapian->ngapen->ngaben). In Hindu believed that Deity Brahma beside as creator deity is fire deity. so ngaben is a process of soul hallowing by using fire as medium so that can return to the creator, that is Brahma. Fire used is real fire to burn the corpse, and abstraction fire in the form of supertitous formula of priest for mem-pralina that is burn the coherent dirtiness at atma / soul.

1:52 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Julia Roberts shooting 'Eat, Pray, Love' in Bali

'Eat, Pray, Love', a film starring top Hollywood actors Julia Roberts make Bali as one of setting. Julia was ready action filmed there in October. 'Eat, Pray, Love' is a film adaptation of best-selling novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. In his memoirs that, she poured everything she experienced during a world tour.

The story, Elizabeth is a writer who is depressed due to her marriage. After a divorce with her husband, Elizabeth had contact with another man. Unfortunately, the relationship did not work as well.

Until finally, he decided to travel the world. When he was in Italy, Gilbert eating delicious foods and enjoy life. Then, he went to India to find spritualnya. He ended his journey in Bali, to find a balance meal, prayer and love.

'Eat, Pray, Love' and worked on the script written by Ryan Murphy. To achieve maximum results, Ryan did the filming in the places shown by the book, including Bali. So certainly, she will fly to Bali.

In fact it was reinforced by the recognition of the Section Head of Film Department of Licensing and Cultural district of Gianyar, Ida Bagus Puruvita. He reveals the film's production has filed a permit to conduct filming in Ubud and Terrace district.

"They've asked permission two days ago, they would be shooting October 16 to November 6," he said when contacted by telephone detikhot, Thursday (10/7/2009).

In addition to the official permission from local government, the film production had been socializing with residents in both districts were. Even Ubud customary village head had been given permission.

Ida Bagus said the permit cultivation Puruvita 'Eat, Pray, Love' is still in the process. "Most likely permission will be given," he added.

In addition to grant permission, the local government will provide the object boundaries which may be used and not. The Government will assist the process of filming.

They say this time, Julia and James Franco opponent were undergoing shooting in Rome, Italy. If all goes well, in 2011 we will witness the gathering movie Gods and the beauty of the island's beauty Julia Roberts

1:48 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Bali History

Bali, which correctly called Bali Anka, meaning place of birth of people strong, in a Balinese inscription referred to in China as a draft-li P'o. It is said that the ruling P'o-li was a king of the Kaundi family, and stated that he sent a diplomatic mission-the mission to China in the third quarter sixth century AD

Sanjaya, author inscription Cangala in Central Java (732 AD), recognized in the work of ancient Javanese-final as the leader who seized Bali, together with the territories of the other overseas. Since the eighth or ninth century AD, Buddhism traces found in that place that might come from Sumatra or Java, because maybe with a direct relationship with India.

The first inscription is dated called a king named Ugrasena (915-942), a contemporary of King Sindhok in East Java. (An earlier inscription (914 AD), refers to Adhipati Sri Kesariwarma). As stated by Prof.Dr. George Cedes, we find of records they will be a Hindu-Bali community, is not the same as in Java, which adopted Hinduism and Buddhism together, and speak a unique dialect Bali.

In the second half of the tenth century, we have some names Warmadewa titled nobles. We get the name of a queen named Subhadrikawarmadewi. Inscription 989-1022 years mentioned the names of Udayana King and Queen Mahendradatta. This queen is a great-grandson of Sindok. This marriage, causing even more profound penetration of Javanese culture, especially Tantrism, the island of Bali. Airlangga is the cause of marriage.

Prof. Dr. F.D.K. Bosch. of the Kern Institute, has a strange story of this royal couple. When talking about a very similar equation between the development of Javanese culture and Kambudia at the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the foundation Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient in 1952, he said: "There is good reason to believe that I of Udayana Kambudia Warman, who reigned a relatively brief , is the same prince by the name of Udayana (Bali and Java) and has played an important role as the father of the famous Airlangga.

Around the year 970, a daughter Kambudia, together with Udayana, fled from the palace Kambudia, time periods of distress replacement king war. Tsb daughter fled to the Land of Java where a king Kambuja very famous, Jayawarman II, also has lived in exile before returning to his home Kambuja.

Java is the time that the prince Kambudia, Udayadityawarman become adults and at age 15 he married a Javanese princess. Khmer-Java fellowship is to strengthen the position of ruling in Java, Bali and now seize. Then he lifted Prince Udayana (or Udayaditya) and his bride became the governor of Bali. Around the year 1009, with the help of Udayaditya Javanese Kambudia seize the throne.

However, he could not stay in Java, for just one year alone, and he was forced to return to Bali, where he reigned as governor until the year 1022. Is in Bali that about 991 years Airlangga was born and at the crossing to Java mdua to marry a daughter of the king who reigned in East Java. Perhaps Airlangga name comes from his life story. "Airlangga" means "he who crossed the water - the strait memisahkaan Bali from Java. Airlangga, he seems, represents the government of Bali, where he was born, to a representative of the king, Dharmawamsa Marakatapankaja, whose names appear in inscriptions Bali during the year - years 1020-1025.

During the years 1049-1077, Balinese inscriptions refer to the 'wungsu child,' for example balaputra (youngest child) - probably close relatives of Airlangga. Suradhipa and Jayasakti are the names of kings who appeared in the 1115-1150 AD One hundred years later, the king Kertaanagara Singasari, after consolidating his position in Sumatra moved to Bali. In 1284 he was imprisoned king Bali. Balinese people who dare to immediately release the power of Java.

1:44 AM | 0 comments | Read More

10 Extension Firefox You need to use

Written By Unknown on Saturday, February 6, 2010 | 10:09 PM

One of the interesting things is the addition of the Firefox extension (add-on). Whatever the purpose of the goals of our browsing, Firefox has a number of extensions that are waiting to be used. Here is the extension of the various categories, which can make use of Firefox get better. Some extensions designed for power users and some to various circles. Do not hesitate to search for and use the add-on that match, this will make your browsing faster.

1. Morning Coffee.
This extension allows us to set a number of web sites will be opened, each on a separate tab, with a single button click. This will save time because we do not have to flip through your bookmarks (while drinking coffee in the morning) to see your favorite site. Their use is not limited to browsing only, we can use this extension to open the admin tool (web-based) sites that we manage. We can set so that the site was opened on a particular day or every day.

2. NoScript.
This is one of the best tools so we can browse safely. With NoScript, you can disable the content from untrusted sites. Unless we allow Java Script, Java, and other Scripting, NoScript will block all scripts, so that the browser is safe from the dangers we have or have not been identified. Do not ever think that if you use Firefox on Linux, then you are really safe! Use this extension, whatever platform you use.

3. ColorfulTabs.
We may open multiple tabs in Firefox. Sometimes this is not a problem, but there are times when the tab becomes a little too much and need a little setting. To help this, color ColorfulTabs open each tab, so it is easy to distinguish. With this simple extension, we can color the tabs randomly or based on the URL. We also can set the tabs to fade. Another feature is that we can set a background image for the tab.

4. BBCode.
This extension adds BBCode symbols and formatting, HTML, and XHTML into the menu. With BBCode, we can add tags to the menu 10. This extension will appear when we are in the forum and right clicking the text area. We can select the tag you want to add from the menu that appears.

5. Buggybar.
This extension is very useful for Bugzilla users. With this extension, we will have a sidebar Bugzilla Chrome will display semuan related bug bug list that we make.

6. Clear Cache Button.
Maybe we've set Firefox to clear the cache every time out of the browser. However, what if we want to clean the cache, but do not want to get out of the browser? Than searching the menu, we can add a simple extension of this. Clear Cache Button provides a button to clear cache with one click.

7. Time Tracker.
This is not memamng tool that would help or make our browsing activities become better. This extension will remind us the time spent browsing. However, this extension can be useful in certain situations. Whether you're a little break for five minutes, or just want to know the time spent on a site, TimeTracker will monitor how long you browse. Interesting when we close the browser, then the timer stops and when we open the browser again the timer will run again. We can reset the timer by right-clicking the status bar timer and selecting reset.

8. IMacros.
This extension automates the various things we do in Firefox, ranging from opening the site to fill out the form to the settings. IMacros a sidebar that displays your favorite Macro. This extension also has a record facility which allows us to create a macro simply by clicking Record. Macro Repeat who wants to make and click Save. We can create a macro as needed. When we want to run them, select Macro IMacros the sidebar and click the Play button. The weakness of this extension is that we can not run the macro by using key combinations.

9. Fasterfox.
This extension does one thing, namely to make Firefox to open pages faster. The speed of opening the page can be improved by making connections and data acquisition simultaneously. For Firefox 3, this extension is still in experimental stages. We should have a Firefox account to download it. This extension should be to try because of the increased speed was enough.

10. BlogRovR.
We all read the blog. Ranging from personal blogs to many other blogs available, we all read it almost every day. This certainly takes a lot of time. Instead of wasting time flipping through blogs, leave this extension to get it for us. We must register to use this extension and we will be asked to install another sidebar (Stickies). After installation is complete, enter your blog URL and will start taking BlogRovR information. Keep in mind, if NoScript is installed, we must allow the BlogRovR to run scripts or it will not be able to retrieve information from these blogs.

10:09 PM | 0 comments | Read More

How Hackers Steal Your Password?

Hearing the word "password", we would all agree that the word is related to something secret, it is important and certainly should not be known by anyone. Securing important data with a password is an effective way to avoid the evil hands are not interested. Many people think that the data has been given the password is secure. Of course it is not 100% right. Quite easy for a hacker to break down the password because the hacker always has a way to do it.

There are several methods commonly used by hackers to steal passwords, namely:

1. Technical ways.
Technical manner, we use software to disassemble or break a password. For example, to read the file MS Word format and can not be opened because the password must be entered. We can use software such as Word Password Recovery can we download on the internet. we can use Google to search.

Technical methods used, among others, are:
Brute Force.
is the password search methods to try all the possibilities. There are also other ways that are also carried out by software, the method of Dictionary. Every word in the dictionary (dictionary) which will be matched with the stored password. If the password matches with him, then that password.

Brute Force Method tried all the existing characters. For example, by trying all the possibilities from AAAAA to zzzzz or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. With symbols can also!#^$&*()_":?><+=]{. That way, you will find the desired password.

is a method for collecting, recording, and collecting anything that is pressed on the keyboard by the user (target / victim). Device for doing this is called Keylogger keylogging. There is a keylogger software, and there is also a form of hardware. Keylogger is a software that we install Keylogger software on the victim's computer, then the software will record any key is pressed. Tools commonly used are 007 Keylogger.

Usually a hardware keylogger hardware (connectors) between the keyboard and computer. The keyboard will be connected first to a new Keylogger to your computer. That way, we will know what the button is pressed by the victim and of course we can know what the password is typed. However, if the victim did copy paste for the password, it must have been a different story.

Network Sniffing
is a method to determine the password by monitoring traffic in and out of the package on a LAN. Thus, if a user enter a password on a site, will be recorded by the monitoring tools. For example, the password on Facebook or Yahoo! Mail. Tools we can use Wireshark for example, Ace Password Sniffer, Cain & Abel, and Brutus. Non-technical way.
2. Non-technical way means not directly related to the computer device or specific tools. Non-technical way is actually more to the approach (social engineering). For example, a chat, but only indirectly. For example, ask the victim about the operating system used, the name of his wife, a son, his girlfriend's name, date of birth, binantang favorite, favorite food, or anything related to the nature of the victim alias static unchanging. After getting all that, we can try to guess the password as the information we have got from the victim.

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