Dell will test the operating system Google's Chromium pinned on Inspiron Mini 10V. Chromium OS released earlier this month, a side project other than Chrome Google OS. This operating system itself runs on the Linux kernel, the code can be developed by anyone.
As is known, the expected Chrome OS many people will be introduced to the public at least until next year. While waiting for the OS, the company based in California's open code OS Chromium can be taken to anyone. And Dell became the first vendor who accepted the challenge through the Inspiron Mini 10V.
"Without the internet network connection, Chromium OS is not very interesting. Because of the strong network, a new user OS Chromium feels great," said Doug Anson, Dell's Linux Technology Strategist, as AFP reported on Tuesday (1/12/2009).
"Chromium OS is a small operating system, which makes it very simple and easy to navigate the Internet. It also makes the OS boot faster, about 12 seconds after pressing the power button," he added.
Nevertheless, Anson explains, netbook Chromium his OS has yet to be cast in a commercial to the consumer. Parties Dell is currently doing a series of tests, so that Chromium-based netbook OS to correct this or not thrown into the market.
According to Google, Chromium is the name of this project and not the name of the product. That is, Chromium can not come up with other names, including its API name. Chromium only use the word chrome base.
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