Firefox is a major player in the arena of desktop browser. But when he jumped into mobile devices, Mozilla has never made the leap in this area. All that will soon change with the presence of the first mobile version of Firefox which will be released later this year. Reportedly, the Nokia N900 series will be the first mobile phone that can operate the mobile Firefox browser. N900 that uses Linux-based Maemo OS is shipped with the Mozilla Gecko layout engine.
"Our target is to immediately release this browser. If all goes well, we will release it in a few weeks," said Vice President Mobile Mozilla Jay Sullivan, as quoted by Mashable, Friday (11/12/2009).
N900 owners can download the latest beta versions of these browsers by visiting Mozilla.com / m via their mobile phone. Nokia does not plan to ship with N900 Firefox Mobile, but at least for the moment the phone is open the door wide for the operation of Firefox Mobile in the body, including the next version of the Maemo OS that will be present in the third quarter of 2010.
The presence of the Mozilla browser on the phone besutan mentioned will make the website look the same as when users access it on the computer.
Mozilla is trying to develop a browser that can be used mobilenya for all platforms. The current version of Firefox Mobile for Windows Mobile OS was in the early testing stages. The development is expected to be completed in the first half year 2010.
Mozilla Firefox is also actively developing mobile versions of Android, but not yet certain when the development will finish
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