Some desktop users believe that PC Mac is more secure than Windows OS from virus attacks. that is True?
According to cybersecurity analysts Hemanshu Nigam, PC Mac with OS X it will not necessarily be safe forever, at least for now. He claims that OS X also has a vulnerability, although not as much as Windows.
"Apple is claiming the Mac OS will be safe from viruses, that's what makes the hackers will be motivated to launch an attack" told Nigam on CNN, which was launched on Friday (18/06/2010.
"hackers Community focus on companies which have a considerable market share. Getting a considerable market share has attracted the attention of hackers," he added.
However, Nigam emphasized that Apple must maintain the ability to "take over" the situation.
"If not, it risked Apple's reputation for long-term," he said.
Meanwhile, according to Kevin Haley, director of Symantec Security Response, said the same sentiment.
"Market share is a good indicator for hackers, because hackers are motivated by money., So they want to get access to the most amount of people," said Haley.
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