Various attempts to communicate with aliens make Stephen Hawking spoke. The famous scientist has warned, the aliens may exist, but humans should avoid contact with them if it does not want to be threatened.
"If aliens visiting us, it will happen more or less like when Columbus landed in the Americas, which had no impact either on Native Americans," Hawking said in a television interview.
According to Hawking, the aliens with a high level of intelligence, would live to move, looking for new areas to conquer and colonize any planet they could visit.
Reported by AFP on Monday (4/26/2010), about the possible existence of alien life, Hawking said, based on mathematical calculations, the sum of the formula itself makes a very rational thinking about aliens.
"The challenge is actually finding out the actual form of aliens," Hawking said.
As is known, this depiction of an alien for a variety. However, the most common is, the aliens depicted in the figure with skin like an octopus that can glow in the dark.
Previously, people have repeatedly tried to communicate with aliens. In 2008, U.S. national space agency NASA never sent a song the band's legendary Beatles, 'Accross the Universe "into outer space to send a message of peace to the alien in the area commonly called Polaris or the North Star.
Human efforts to contact aliens not only this. Spacecraft Pioneer 10 and 11 belong to the U.S. that was launched in 1972 and 1973, demonstrating the existence of the shadow of men and women without clothes and symbols to convey the position of the Earth and sun.
Then Voyager 1 and 2, which was launched in 1977 also brought a plate of copper with gold phonogram sound recordings and images of Earth.
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