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Latest Firefox 4.0 Launch Delayed

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 | 9:10 PM

Launching the latest version of Firefox 3.6, 3.7 and 4.0 is delayed from its original plan because Mozilla wants to minimize risk.
Unlike previous years, the current browser competition so tight. So Mozilla argues, if it does not take into account the risk of an upgrade, it could potentially lose market share.

Last year, Google has released Chrome for Windows followed by a beta version for Mac and Linux. Apple, aggressively promoting vigorous Safari. Microsoft was not to be outdone, the software giant updates into Internet Explorer (IE). Finally, Opera JavaScript engine to build more quickly.

The latest version of Firefox, version 3.6 is scheduled for late 2009 slide, but Mozilla has decided to postpone it until the first quarter of 2010. In addition, version 4.0 is planned for late 2010 also appeared to back the launch schedule in the first quarter of 2011.

Analyst of Pund-IT Charles King commented, this delay may be good news for Microsoft. As is known, the latest data mentioned Firefox 3.5 users have a percentage greater than users of IE 7 or 8. But the trend also shows the user transitions relatively rapidly to the browser over Microsoft's latest release of Windows 7.

"With the postponement of the latest version of Firefox, Microsoft has a gap to take back some market share," said King, as quoted by News Factor, Tuesday (29/12/2009).

"Everything will depend on how well Microsoft introduce and promote IE 8, how the differences and advantages compared with IE 7 and Firefox," he said.

9:10 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Firefox Mobile

Written By Unknown on Thursday, December 24, 2009 | 12:29 AM

Popular Firefox browser is almost ready to begin his first appearance in the mobile browser arena. Vice President who gave birth to the Mozilla project is Jay Sullivan says Firefox Mobile is through the various stages of testing and ready to be released before the end of 2009.

This time, Mozilla is no longer shy about giving leaks Firefox Mobile. Sullivan said one of the first unique mobile browser is Mozilla's is able bersinkronisasi with the desktop version of the Firefox browser or computer.

This means, all the pages that are opened on the desktop Firefox users will automatically be opened and viewed on a mobile version of Firefox.

"We ended office hours, you can leave the computer and still continue through the phone," Sullivan said as quoted from the Telegraph, Thursday (24/12/2009).

"This browser encrypt all the information and send it back through the 'cloud computing' between desktop and mobile versions," he explained.

If all goes according to plan, before the end of Sullivan's hope Firefox Mobile users can download the Nokia N900 via the Nokia Ovi Store. As was widely reported earlier, N900 will be the first mobile phone that can operate this browser.

Mozilla is trying to develop a browser to be used for the OS (Operating System. Firefox Mobile for Windows Mobile OS version was in the early testing stages and is expected to be completed in early 2010.

In addition Mozilla Firefox is also actively developing mobile versions of Android, but not yet certain when the development will be completed.

And what about mobile users with the iPhone OS platform? Apple iPhone users are happy to use Firefox on the desktop seems to still have to wait.

According to Sullivan, Apple is the platform 'exclusive' that has not been established when iPhone users can share in the ability to synchronize with the desktop version of Firefox mobile

12:29 AM | 0 comments | Read More

iPhone 4.0

The news about the new iPhone Operating System (OS), iPhone 4.0, actually come to the surface since the beginning of this year. Mentioned issues if the OS gress that will appear at the beginning of 2010.

It could be a living presence of this month, will be close to reality. The problem, a source at Apple said the company early last week the iPhone OS 4.0 is in testing stage, complete with the results feedbacknya trouble.

Quoted Apple Insider, Wednesday (23/12/2009), unfortunately the test results and report, is not known what the advantages of the most popular phones in the United States. This condition reflects that Apple wants to seal new product launches until the time comes.

IPhone lovers certainly worth waiting for the upgrade of the OS, is because these operating systems tested and compatible with the latest hardware for the iPhone. In fact, it could be the iPhone 4.0 will be present together with the latest generation iPhone, which is likely iPhone 4G.

Interesting to wait, if this brand-new OS will be present along with the most new iPhone. Company's own Steve Jobs, has big expectations to introduce new products at Apple's annual celebration exhibition, Worldwide Developer Conference

12:24 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Users Vista Moving to Windows 7

Written By Unknown on Friday, December 18, 2009 | 7:49 PM

Windows Vista users have migrated en masse to Windows 7. However, a large number of XP users are reluctant to survive and make the shift to the newest operating system.
InforWorld survey conducted in recent weeks found that Windows 7 now has about 4 percent market share of 20 thousand respondents surveyed, most of whom come from Vista users, so that makes XP still has the most loyal users. Ever since Vista was released three years ago, the User XP numbers remained stable at 30 percent.

Meanwhile, quoted from PC World, Monday (16/11/2009), another survey conducted NPD Group confirms that the popularity of Windows 7 continues to climb, rather than its predecessor, Vista. The survey found that Windows 7 has been upgraded to 234 percent compared to Windows Vista.

One of these operating systems managed to steal the attention because Windows 7 has a long beta cycle, and has received good feedback from various circles
7:49 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Safari is faster than Chrome

Written By Unknown on Saturday, December 12, 2009 | 1:24 AM

Safari 'run' faster than Firefox and Chrome now runs on Mac OS platforms.
Analysts from Computerworld, Gregg Keizer recently conducted a series of browser speed tests. According to him, Chrome is a new beta version released for Mac OS-based computers are still less rapidly with the Safari browser. Chrome ranked the second fastest of the four browsers tested on Mac computers.

"Chrome render the JavaScript 10 times faster than Opera 10.10 and almost twice as fast as Firefox 3.6 Beta 4, the Mac version of the open source browser Mozilla besutan a newly released," Keizer said, as quoted by TG Daily, Thursday (10/12 / 2009).

"However, Chrome can not match the speed of Safari 4.0.4, which Apple's browser besutan it had previously predicted 12 percent faster than Chrome beta for the Mac," he added.

Keizer asserts that Chrome currently classified as the fastest browser, only for the Microsoft Windows platform computers.

As is known, some time ago, exactly in September, Computerworld tested Chrome 3.0 on Windows computers. At that Chrome 3.0 easily beat all its competitors in terms of speed, including Safari that when it took second place

1:24 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Firefox Mobile

Firefox is a major player in the arena of desktop browser. But when he jumped into mobile devices, Mozilla has never made the leap in this area. All that will soon change with the presence of the first mobile version of Firefox which will be released later this year. Reportedly, the Nokia N900 series will be the first mobile phone that can operate the mobile Firefox browser. N900 that uses Linux-based Maemo OS is shipped with the Mozilla Gecko layout engine.

"Our target is to immediately release this browser. If all goes well, we will release it in a few weeks," said Vice President Mobile Mozilla Jay Sullivan, as quoted by Mashable, Friday (11/12/2009).

N900 owners can download the latest beta versions of these browsers by visiting / m via their mobile phone. Nokia does not plan to ship with N900 Firefox Mobile, but at least for the moment the phone is open the door wide for the operation of Firefox Mobile in the body, including the next version of the Maemo OS that will be present in the third quarter of 2010.

The presence of the Mozilla browser on the phone besutan mentioned will make the website look the same as when users access it on the computer.

Mozilla is trying to develop a browser that can be used mobilenya for all platforms. The current version of Firefox Mobile for Windows Mobile OS was in the early testing stages. The development is expected to be completed in the first half year 2010.

Mozilla Firefox is also actively developing mobile versions of Android, but not yet certain when the development will finish

1:17 AM | 0 comments | Read More

80 Thousand Sites & Gagdet Use Facebook Connect

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 | 10:46 PM

More than 80 thousand sites and gadgets, including the iPhone and the Xbox, using Facebook Connect application. In addition, more than 60 million Facebook users to use this feature every day. Not only that achievement Facebook Connect painted, two-thirds of the 100 best sites in the United States using ComScore version introduced in December 2008, even half of the 100 global sites are also using Facebook Connect.

"Sites like Huffington Post and even the number of readers increased 500 percent, because it had used Facebook Connect, the" call Facebook? S Network Development Director Ethan Beard, told the New York Times, Thursday (10/12/2009).

"Facebook accommodate all the aspirations of msyarakat, to connect them wherever time and place with the technology," he added.

Added by Bread, now Facebook has grown rapidly in the field of third-party applications, even the number has reached 500 thousand applications. From it all, Bread melesatnya seems surprised by seepeti zynga social gaming and playdom also well developed.

10:46 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Seagate Produce Thin Hard Drive For laptops

Development company Seagate Technology hard drives plans to launch a new hard drive for laptops that 25 percent thinner than current models. Later, Seagate-made drives will have a size of up to 7-millimeter that will allow the laptop vendors to reduce the thickness of their computers. And as is known disk drives for laptops are usually either 9.5 millimeters high or 12.5 millimeters. Unfortunately, Seagate does not include details of how the capacity could be included in such a thin drive, because it is usually thicker drives typically offer a larger capacity.
"Finally, we now begin the qualification process of the industry's first hard disk drive with 2.5 inch size and high 7 millimeters," said the head of Seagate Technology Robert Whitmore, told PC World, Wednesday (9/12/2009).

"These new thin Drive is an OEM product that enables our customers to continue to reduce the thickness and weight of their notebook platform," he added.

Actually, about nine out of 10 netbook PCs have relied on the market drives with 9.5-mm high, with a thickness of 2.5-inch to 1.8-inches, but unfortunately most of these drives have cut the capacity penyimpananan.

Seagate drives are thin buataan officially scheduled to be announced on January 5, 2010, two days before the International Consumer Electronics Show which will begin in Las Vegas. not known to be price for Seagate these new products
10:37 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Avoiding Spam

Written By Unknown on Friday, December 4, 2009 | 8:42 AM

Here are some tricks that can be done to ward off spam invasion recommended by Symantec's.

Who should to do:

- Unsubscribe from legitimate mailing-list if you do not want to receive messages again. When registering to receive email, check out additional items whatever you want at the same time. Do not select the items you want.
- Selective in terms of sites where you register your email address.
- Avoid displaying your email address on the Internet. Consider alternative options-for example, use a separate address when registering at a particular mailing list, have several email addresses for many different purposes, or look for a disposable email service.
- By using the instructions provided by the administrator, report spam if you have the option to do so.
- Delete all spam
- Avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails or IM messages, because it could be connected to a fake site. We recommend to type a website address directly in the browser rather than trust the link in the message.
- Ensure that the operating system up to date, and use security software packages are comprehensive.
- Consider the anti-spam solution that has a good reputation for handling filtering throughout your organization.

Who should not to do:

- Opening an email attachment from an unknown. This appendix can infect your computer.
- Replying to spam. Usually forged email address, and reply to email spam will result - Fill out the form in a message requesting personal or financial information or passwords (passwords). Leading companies can not ask for your personal information via email. If you hesitate to contact the company through a trusted independent mechanism, such as by verifying the phone number or Internet address is known that you type into a new browser window (do not click on or cut and paste the link in the message).
- Buying products or services from spam messages.
- Open the spam message.
- Forward any virus warnings you receive by email. It could be a lie massages

8:42 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Cleaning Facebook Virus

A computer virus is utilizing the popularity of Facebook to attack the victim. Consider the ways to clean facebook Virus W32/Obfuscated.D2! Genr and Antispyware Security Tools - antispyware fake - that accompany the article Vaksincom following:

1.Disable system restore during the cleaning process
2.Disconect computer from the network / internet
3.Best use in "safe mode"
4.Install software "Unlocker" (download at FileHippo)
5.kill active virus process in memory, use the tools "Security Task Manager", please download these tools in

Turn off the virus with "security task manager"

6.Fix registry, to accelerate the process of repair registry please copy this script in notepad and save it with the name [repair.inf]. Execute the following manner:

a.right click [repair.inf] [install]

Signature = "$ Chicago $"
Provider = Vaksincom

AddReg = UnhookRegKey
DelReg = del

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ batfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ comfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ exefile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ piffile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ regfile \ shell \ open \ command,,, "regedit.exe"% 1 ""
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ scrfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon, Shell, 0, "Explorer.exe"
HKCU, Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main, tart Page, 0, 'about: blank "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon, userinit, 0, "userinit.exe"

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, reader_s
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, 47543326
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, PromoReg
HKCU, SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, reader_s
HKCU, Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System, EnableProfileQuota
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Network, UID
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion, Rlist
HKU,. DEFAULT \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ (43BF8CD1-C5D5-2230-7BB2-98F22C2B7DC6)
HKU,. DEFAULT \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ (8FFA689D-2C2B-2B2E-D865-74C04CA4EF06)

7. Remove files created by the virus by first showing tersebunyi files. Then delete the following files::

C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ 47543326
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Elvina \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Security Tools.lnk
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Elvina \ Desktop \ Security Tools.lnk
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Elvina \ Application Data \ wiaservg.log
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Elvina \ Local Settings \ Temp \ *. tmp
C: \ WINDOWS \ Temp \ wpv311256600826.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ Temp \ wpv411256806849.exe
C: \ Documents and Settings \% user% \ reader_s.exe
C: \ Documents and Settings \% user% \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup \ isqsys32.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ reader_s.exe
C: \ Windows \ system32 \ wbem \ proquota.exe
C: \ windows \ system32 \ sdra64.exe
C: \ Windows \ system32 \ lowsec

To remove the folder [C: \ Windows \ system32 \ lowsec] and [C: \ windows \ system32 \ sdra64.exe], use the tools "Unlocker" to separate the process system process windows (explorer.exe and svchost.exe), because the file will inject file [explorer.exe and svchost.exe] how:

* Right click on the file [C: \ windows \ system32 \ sdra64.exe] or the [C: \ Windows \ system32 \ lowsec]
* Then click menu "Unlocker"
* On Unlocker screen, select the option [delete]
* Then click the [OK]
* If the error message, in disregard it (click ok)

8.delete temporary files and temporary interet files, use the tools ATF-Cleaner.

9.for optimal cleaning and prevent re-infection, anti-virus scan with up-to-date. You can also use tools to clean with Norman Malware Cleaner or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Consider also the earlier analysis by the virus Vaksincom Facebook:

* Virus Facebook: It's Fall, and Bitten Affected Dogs Appliances
* Identify Characteristics Facebook Email Virus Carrier

The author, Adang Jauhar Taufik, the analyst of Vaksincom antivirus.

8:32 AM | 0 comments | Read More

12 tips to avoid viruses

Some of the effects the virus is very diverse. There was the usual level category, meaning that only affect the performance of your computer system. At a higher level viruses can also delete important data you. Highly fatal, even viruses can damage your computer system. Computer connected to the network, could be a virus can turn your computer as a zombie computer (a computer-controlled by someone else).

This 12 tips for u :

1. E-mail is one way viruses spread most easily and most dangerous. Make sure you open the e-mail from sources that you make sure kebenaranya. If the e-mail that you get comes from sources that you do not know or did not come from the contact list you have, immediately delete the e-mail. Make sure the incoming SPAM list immediately evacuated. Do not even time to open it.
2. USB Flash Disk is the method most widely spread of the virus after an e-mail. So make sure you update anti-virus well before USB Flash Disk into your computer connected. Scan it before opening. How to open it also do the double click, but with the right click and select Open. This way is safer to avoid the viruses that enter through the autoruns included in USB Flash Disk.

3. Be careful to use e-mail program such as Microsoft Outlook client. Make sure the program is properly updated. If the operating system you use is pirated, I suggest you use e-mail client that its free and can be updated automatically, such as Mozilla Thunderbird or Pegasus.

4. Everyone must know the Internet is the largest source of spread of the virus in the world. Nearly 80% of viruses spread through the line. The following safety tips when you are done surfing the realm of the internet: - Do not click on pop-up window is displayed. For example a notification that you are the winner of a lottery or click several times to eat you'll win a lottery. Actually it is a malicious program that automatically send a trojan or spyware to your computer. - You can use the feature or program to atomatis block pop-ups that will be displayed. This feature is usually already included in the web browser you use.

5. Search engines like Google sometimes can not filter out sites that are considered as dangerous. For that you can install a program that can automatically detect sites that are not worth a visit or dangerous. Free program you can use the AVG Link Scanner. AVG Free program made it able to detect the sites google search results. If the site contains malicious viruses, it will display a warning or the site will be automatically blocked can not be opened.

6. Install anti-virus you can trust. No anti-virus should be paid, for home users / person you can use free anti-virus that is not less popular with paid anti-virus, such as Avira, AVG, Clamav, and others. Make sure you regularly update anti-virus to ensure that you install a virus able to withstand the increasingly developed kemampuanya.

7. Install anti-Spyware is also to prevent malware and spyware. Both these malicious programs can create other than a slow computer, can also mengahantarkan your computer as a zombie computer that can control the people out there. Some anti-spyware programs are quite popular free is Spyware Doctor, Spyware Terminator, etc.

8. Do not ever open an attachment that is included in the e-mail from unknown sources well. Although file attachments that are included are a rare file formats such as carrying the virus. Txt,. Jpeg,. Gif,. Bmp,. Tif,. Mp3,. Htm,. Html, and. Avi, but make sure you first scan.

9. Use a disk (CD / DVD) for mengimpan / backup of important data that are not easily infected with the virus. CD / DVD its only read only (only readable), but make sure before you moved into the disk, the data has been free of the virus. Karen if the virus data, it is useless to be stored on the disk.

10. Set the operating system you use to always perform regularly updated. This can reduce the risk of virus attacks from outside because the gap viral entry have been closed by updates that you do. But the update can only succeed if the operating system you are using is genuine. If not I suggest using a free operating system such as linux.

11. When you download programs from warez sites, make sure your anti-virus installed and updated properly. The files that come from these sites sometimes deliberately infiltrated by dangerous viruses.

12. Finally I suggest, do not visit sites that contain malicious viruses and malicious programs that can endanger your own computer, such as warez sites, crack, serial, porn, and others.

12 tips so you can do to secure your computer from virus attacks. One thing you need to understand "keep / care is better than cure". Good try.
8:15 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Microsoft Office 2010

Written By Unknown on Thursday, December 3, 2009 | 1:37 AM

Microsoft to make sure Office 2010 would be presented soon in June 2010, along with other related products.

According to a spokesman for Microsoft, as quoted by Yahoo Tech, Thursday (3/12/2009), Microsoft itself is hoping the software will be present in mid-2010. This notification is also included in the Starter Office Web site, which also says that the software is currently on probation (beta). online technology site had also given her a preview for Office 2010, which is displayed in a beta state in November. The contents of Office 2010 includes updated versions of the applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Office applications.

"After days of testing we do is intense, I was very impressed with the way Microsoft to update Office 2007. In my opinion, for this Beta version, is pretty good. But not too essential for anyone who has terlanjut using Office 2007, "said Edward PCMag examiners from Mendelson.

1:37 AM | 1 comments | Read More

Dell will test the operating system Google's Chromium

Dell will test the operating system Google's Chromium pinned on Inspiron Mini 10V. Chromium OS released earlier this month, a side project other than Chrome Google OS. This operating system itself runs on the Linux kernel, the code can be developed by anyone.

As is known, the expected Chrome OS many people will be introduced to the public at least until next year. While waiting for the OS, the company based in California's open code OS Chromium can be taken to anyone. And Dell became the first vendor who accepted the challenge through the Inspiron Mini 10V.

"Without the internet network connection, Chromium OS is not very interesting. Because of the strong network, a new user OS Chromium feels great," said Doug Anson, Dell's Linux Technology Strategist, as AFP reported on Tuesday (1/12/2009).

"Chromium OS is a small operating system, which makes it very simple and easy to navigate the Internet. It also makes the OS boot faster, about 12 seconds after pressing the power button," he added.

Nevertheless, Anson explains, netbook Chromium his OS has yet to be cast in a commercial to the consumer. Parties Dell is currently doing a series of tests, so that Chromium-based netbook OS to correct this or not thrown into the market.

According to Google, Chromium is the name of this project and not the name of the product. That is, Chromium can not come up with other names, including its API name. Chromium only use the word chrome base.

1:29 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Photo edit with

To make a photo look more interesting you do not have to master the Photoshop software. All you need is an internet connection and Web sites that provide services like free photo.

One site that provides free photo if enough interest is As the name implies, with you can process your photos that look more funky. There are quite a lot of choices that can effect the image you choose, such as old photos to create memorable images of classical, cartoonizer, etc

To use this service quite easy way:
- Once you enter the site, click the Get Started button.
- Next you select the effect you want pictures. There are several options, such as old photos, pop art, cartoonizer, etc..
- If you want to process images in your computer, click the Browse button Files.
- After the image processing is complete, you can see the results. If you're satisfied with the results, you can click the Save button. If still not satisfied, you can try different effects by clicking the option on the left side effects.

1:18 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Hidden DOS Parameter

Used to display the file path or directory
TRUENAME filename --

There's an easier way to view disk partition information. If usually we have to go first to FDISK and then choose option 4. So with FDISK / STATUS we can immediately saw the partition information. This command can at least shorten the steps of our work and reduce the risk of errors in FDISK. Note: This command will not work with DOS 3.30.

The above command will write the master boot record on the hard disk without changing the partition table information. For the record, the writing on the master boot record (in this case) may cause some problems on some dual-boot programs. For those of you who have installed Linux and Windows on one hard disk and put LILO on the master boot record, you can remove LILO by the order. You can also remove viruses which attack the boot sector, by way of booting from a clean disk and FDISK / MBR.

SHELL = C: \ COMMAND.COM / P / F in (config.sys)
The above command runs "Fail" on the option "Abort, Retry, Fail" (More "Abort, Retry, Fail" appears usually when there is "trouble" at the time is at a DOS prompt).

Display information about the DOS version is more complete

Format secret parameters
Determining the size of the cluster: format Drive: / z: ClusterSize * 2
Do not store information for unformat: format Drive: / u
Format d: / z: 8 will produce 4 kB cluster size Example:
Format d: / z: 32 will produce 16 kB cluster size

1:11 AM | 0 comments | Read More

IP Command

Below is the command associated with the network :

ipconfig / all
Displays the connection configuration information, such as Host Name, Primary DNS Type, Ethernet LAN Adapter.

ipconfig / displaydns
Displaying DNS Cache.

ipconfig / flushdns
Removing DNS Cache

ipconfig / release
"Removing" all connections IP Address.

ipconfig / renew

Creating a new IP address for a particular adapter.

ipconfig / registerdns
To refresh control and re-connection control register.

ipconfig / showclassid
Displays information DHCP Class.

ipconfig / setclassid
Changing DHCP Class ID

netconnections control
Displaying Network Connection.

Test connection to the

IP Address Displays route information.

Displays information TCP / IP is currently active.

Displays local route.


Displays the name of the computer.

1:04 AM | 0 comments | Read More

DIR command

Below are some tips about the DIR command in MS DOS:

1. dir c:

This is the "base" that is used to display files and directories on drive C.

2. dir c: d:

Used to display files and directories on drive C and D.

3. dir / b / s

Used to display the directory and subdirectory to display the full path name.

4. dir / a

Used to show all files including the file system and hidden files (hidden).
To show all existing files on drive D using the following command: dir d: / a

5. dir / os

Used to display files and directories with the sequence starting from the file size to smallest file size with the largest. To reverse the order you can use the command: dir / os

You can change the parameter s on the above command with:

- N, the command dir / on: sequential names
- E, command dir / oe: sequential type of file
- D, the command dir / od: serial date

6. dir / p

To display the file and directory per "page".

For the other parameters of the dir command you can see her help with writing: dir /?

12:51 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Michael Jackson Beat Britney in Yahoo Search

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 | 9:47 AM

Michael Jackson's death made him the first rank Yahoo search topic this year. Jackson ended 'power' Britney Spears is for four consecutive years become the most searched artist on the internet. In fact, Jackson can beat the popularity of U.S. President Barack Obama a decline in the ranking of 10.

"Until June, when the news revealed Jackson's death, the topic of Obama's inaugural meet most web traffic," said analyst Yahoo Vera Chan was quoted as saying by the Telegraph, Wednesday (2/12/2009).

"When Michael Jackson was reported dead, traffic-related searches the superstar immediately jumped over popular topics other," he added.

Besides Michael Jackson, another popular search topics are meenmpati Twilight of the second order, which followed a row beruturut WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), Megan Fox and Britney Spears ranked third, two and four. Japanese warriors cartoon Naruto ranked sixth and behind him followed by a reality show American Idol, Kim Kardashian, NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) and Runescape

9:47 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Windows "black screen of death"

Microsoft denied the issue 'black screen of death' that hit Windows computers. They found no strong evidence to suggest that the latest security updates for Microsoft's troubled operating system (Operating System) Windows.

The term 'black screen of death' is a state where the computer screen suddenly died and dark after a user to log in. This problem is detected by the computer network security firm and UK-based internet, Prevx.

Prevx claims this change the registration of the Microsoft OS, namely the store databae configuration setting, causing an error on some computers. But Microsoft's own Prevx disagree. Such information is quoted from Reuters, Wednesday (2/12/2009).

"Microsoft has investigated reports stating that November security updates only affect the occurrence of changes in registration that caused the system error, such as the middle of busy consumers complained," said Microsoft spokesman Christopher Budd.

Budd said the Microsoft has found that the report was not accurate. According to him, a thorough investigation has shown none of the newly released update related to the issue of black screen of death.

9:35 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Radeon HD5950

AMD graphics card developer is rumored to be out its newest product, Radeon HD5950. The issue is also mentioned AMD will release it in the first semester of 2010.

TechTree launched on Monday (1/12/2009), the presence of Radeon HD5950 is to reduce the technology gap between the Radeon HD5870 and Radeon HD5850. Moreover, two weeks earlier, a company based in California launched Radeon HD5970 2GB as the fastest graphics card in the world.

In addition, the presence of the Radeon HD 5950 to offer a diverse selection of graphics cards are DirectX11 capable. Moreover, competitors, Nvidia step further in issuing these products in the line.

Radeon HD5950 will not differ much with the Radeon HD5970, because these cards still use the 2 pieces Cypress AMD GPU which is also installed on the Radeon HD5850. Not only that, the HD5950 will be pinned 1440 stream processors per GPU. Another similarity, Radeon HD5950 card is estimated to have low 650-675 MHz clock, and memory between 900 to 1,000 MHz.

Additional features are, the memory interface with 256-bit GDDR5 reaching 2GB memory per GPU him. Unfortunately, unknown details about the prices offered by AMD for this anyarnya product.

8:57 AM | 0 comments | Read More