Virus Conficker is estimated that tens of thousands of computers already infected in Indonesia, and millions in the world. Conficker Symptoms The most common is the emergence of the message Generic Host Process Error every time a user connects his computer to the Internet. In addition, Conficker also known to cause the logged in username Active Directory locked because he bruteforce action.
If your computer is already infected with the virus now Conficker scourge of computer users around the world, not to worry. You are not alone because there are estimated to have 12 million infected computers around the world today. If the antivirus is still failing to overcome, there is a way membasminya even need a bit of hard work.
Consider the 7 steps eradicate the virus from Vaksincom Conficker following:
1. Decide who will clean your computer from the network / Internet. Turn off WiFi access when there and pull the ethernet cable from the LAN network.
2. Turn off system restore (Windows XP / Vista).
How select Start>> All Programs>> Accesories>> System Tools>> System Restore and then select the settings menu off for all partitions.
3. Turn off the active virus process in services. Use the removal tool from Norman to clean the virus is active. The program is available free of charge and can be downloaded at http://norman.com/support/support_tools/58732/en-us
4. Delete service svchost.exe implanted fake virus in the registry. You can search the registry manually.
5. Delete Task Schedule made by the virus. (C:-WINDOWS-Tasks)
6. Remove string registry created by the virus. To make it easier to use the registry script below. Copy this script and then install.
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